Coastal Haiti Mission


November 2023




I think the Lord likes excellence.  That makes it worthy of pursuit.

I received a bouquet of tulips from my son one Easter.  When they were in their prime, at their best, fully alive, brilliant in the color red, and glistening in the sun coming in through the window, it occurred to me that in their quintessence, their concentrated essence, their most perfect manifestation, they were actually reflecting the glory of God!  They were – – as He made them to be.

 I thought of Eric Liddell, winner of a gold medal in the 1924 Summer Olympics in Paris, who said that God made him fast! And when he ran at the top of his game he sensed God’s pleasure.  I believe it was because he was being at his best – what God made him to be.

The sacrificial lamb in Old Testament times had to be perfect, without spot or wrinkle, in order to be acceptable to a perfect, holy God.  Jesus, the Christ, Who gave Himself as a sacrifice in payment for the sins of the world, was perfect – perfectly without sin, perfectly innocent, perfectly the Son of God, perfectly worthy.

What about us?  We have all been made a certain way by our Creator, and have been endowed with certain talents and gifts. I believe that when we are at the top of our game we are being the best of what He made us to be, and therefore, reflecting the glory of God.

Animals, too, bring glory to God.  Take “Secretariat,” the race horse, for instance.  A U.S. Triple Crown winner in 1973 (he won the third race by an unprecedented 31 lengths!), he was stunningly beautiful – maybe the fastest race horse ever.  Who but our God could make such a marvelous creature!?  As Secretariat showed his stuff, I believe he pleased God and showed off God’s glory – being at the top of what God made him to be.  Listen to what God said to Job about the “horse”:

 “Do ‘you’ give the horse his might?  Do ‘you’ clothe his neck

                  with a mane?  Do ‘you’ make him leap like the locust?

                  His majestic snorting is terrifying.  He paws in the valley and

                  exults in his strength;  he goes out to meet the weapons. He

                  laughs at fear and is not dismayed; he does not turn back

                 from the sword.”  (Job 39:19-22 ESV)

(Do you think our God was doing a little boasting there?  Maybe?  Just a little?) And, now for you and I.  A man was about to embark on a long journey.  He called his servants together and entrusted his property to them.  He gave one servant five talents (probably about $5,000.00).  To another servant He gave two talents, and to a third he gave one talent.  The first two servants invested and doubled the amount of their talents.  The third servant buried his one talent in the ground.  When the master returned from his trip he commended the first two servants for increasing the amount of their talents, calling them “faithful and trustworthy servants.” He was not pleased with Servant Number three (He could at least have put his one talent in the bank where it would have accrued interest.) (From Mat. 25)

Now, you may be wondering what this story has to do with reflecting the glory of God.  But there is one thing I want you to know:  The three servants were given these talents “to each in proportion to his own personal ability to perform.”

(Mat. 25:15 TAB)  Even though Servant Number 1 increased his talents the most, the master was just as pleased with Servant Number 2.  Both had lived up to their full potential.  Servant Number 3?  Well, he didn’t even try.  The master was not pleased, and, well, it wasn’t “pretty,”

Whatever our gifts and talents are, they have been given to us according to our ability to perform.  We are not in competition with anyone.  Strive for excellency with what you have been given!  The Bible tells us in Matt. 5:48: “Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.”  Yikes!  But wait, let me share an interpretation I once learned about that verse from one of my favorite Bible teachers:  An apple takes about five months to fully develop.  At two months the tiny fruit would not be mature, but could be perfect in its development at that stage.

So wherever you are in your “development,” raise the bar and grow higher and higher into who your God made you to be, thereby bringing Him glory. And use your talents and gifts to bless others.

Walking this Way with you,



The 2024 Christmas Party

The children and their parents of the Village of Cahess are looking forward to the 2024 Christmas party with great anticipation. This celebration is held on January 1 of each year.

During this day, the difficult times of the past year can be temporarily forgotten as the children and their parents get to enjoy an abundance of food. Also, the children receive gifts of toys and other items to brighten their lives.

Pastor Coty sent the following message along with photos of the Christmas party last year, which shows how important this celebration is.

Pastor Coty Writes:

This year again, we had a good celebration with the children. Good drinks and toys, as well as a good time together. It was all about having a great day for the children of Cahess, but everyone was a beneficiary.  

During this celebration we had food for everyone. The children and their parents were served a complete plate of food, along with something to drink.

The parents were very happy and thankful to see their children receiving gifts and plentiful food. These were benefits that the parents themselves, were unable to provide for their children. 

When I say thank you to you, the supporters of Coastal Haiti Mission, it is the voice of every parent in Cahess, sending their thanks to you.

 Pastor Coty Joseph

A day to enjoy in difficult times.

Because of the time delay in sending money between countries, CHM has sent $1000 in advance to fund the 2024 Christmas celebration.

If you desire to help pay for this celebration, please send your donation to the address at the end of this newsletter, or use our PayPal service also at the end of this newsletter. Please mark your donation “Christmas”


The Saturday Sunday School

Pastor Coty Writes:

The kids are very attentive to the teaching in this class. They learn many things. They know most of the bible stories in both the old and new testament. They can preach about Jesus to anyone, because they know who He is.

During this season, they are expecting something else, as they count the days to get to what we call the childrens’ party. At this Christmas celebration, everyone of them will receive a special gift.

We bless the Lord that we can keep these children in a good class like this. The best part about it is that they love to come to the class. It’s not only a benefit for them to be taught the bible stories and also how to behave, it also benefits their stomachs because they receive something to eat during each class.

Thanks to our supporters.

Pastor Coty Joseph 


The School Lunch Program

Pastor Coty Writes:

This is Magalie Jean. She is not a good example for the other kids because she is not a good student. She is about 13 now and still in 4th grade.

However,  Magalie would not miss a school day for any reason, because she loves something in the school.

So, in the school some children come to learn, and some come just to eat. I have no problem with that because we offer both.

We always praise the Lord that we can feed our kids every school day.

Thank you to our supporters.

Pastor Coty Joseph 

 Magalie Jean

 Lunch, the best time every school day.


The Drought Resistant Garden Project

 Report by Dasiee Kangas, Project Leader

I have nothing but good news to share concerning our Haiti garden project, Solidarity Garden.

Yamouch and Jeff have been keeping me informed of their progress.  The community garden is filled with seedlings that will soon be transplanted out into the individual family gardens. 

It has been very exciting for me to watch these two men at work.  They are hard workers and they know what they are doing.

What has moved me the most is that it seems we have lit a fire for gardening. It has been a joy to see everyone working so hard not only on their own gardens, but also in sharing the labor at the community garden.

Thank you for your support for this life changing effort.

Working hard on the community garden.


Life in the Village

Pastor Coty Writes:

Cutting the trees to make charcoal is not a good thing for the environment but in the village, it makes a living for some people. I cannot imagine, me carrying 2 bags of charcoal on a bike, when this man carries 4 bags and some others used to carry up to 7 bags of charcoal at one time. 


Proverbs 19:17 ESV
Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will repay him for his deed.


A blessing for you from the scripture:

    Numbers 6: 24 to 26
‘May the Lord bless you
       and protect you.
 May the Lord smile on you
     and be gracious to you.
 May the Lord show you His favor
          and give you peace.’

Thank you, Family and Friends of Coastal Haiti Mission, for all that you do to help the people in Cahess, Haiti. You are making a huge difference for these people.

Please remember, that CHM must continue to send our monthly commitment of $1700 to carry on the ongoing CHM ministry in Cahess. This is in addition to the cost of the School Lunch Program.

If you desire to help, please send your tax-deductible check to our address and tell us how you want us to use your donation:

Coastal Haiti Mission

C/O Constance Goddard

3048 Spring Fancy Lane

Indian Trail, NC 28079

Or For tax deductible “online donations”, please use our PayPal service. Also please designate how you want us to use your donation.

May the Lord our God, who knows your heart and sees your actions, grant you great joy as you serve Him.  Connie, Esther, Pastor Coty, Carl, Dan, and Ken are very grateful for your sacrifice. Ken Johansson CHM Newsletter Editor




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