Coastal Haiti Mission

September 2023



I miss going to Haiti.

The first time I went was in January of 1983.  My former husband, Clint Goddard, and I tagged along with the former Rev. George DeTellis and his wife, Jeanne, as they set up camp (literally tents) on their mission-owned property located several miles outside of the capitol city of Haiti, Port-au-Prince.  Also with us were four young missionaries who would be the first of many to work under the umbrella of first-called New England and World Missions, and now called New Missions – a top-notch mission in Haiti.

I recall a colossal rainstorm one night.  A Haitian women in the near village warned us that the stream running close to us could overflow and flood the area where the tents had been set up.  So, many of us slept – or tried to – on the bus Pastor George had rented for our transportation.  I remember drawing comfort while peering out the bus window and seeing the lanterns shedding light from one of the village huts as the rain slammed down on the roof of the bus.

Another, among so many treasured memories of Haiti, took place at a childrens’ home led by Directors John and Diane Vrooman.  Tired and hungry after a trip during the day, our team arrived back at the home well after dark.  When we entered the main home where the Vrooman’s lived, the young pastor associated with the mission had set a table ready-and-waiting for us, filled with good Haitian food, illuminated by lanterns throughout the room.  Although we were, formerly or currently, New Englanders, we felt very much at home that night in Haiti.

Moving on through the years, my husband and I, along with members of our church in Hubbardston, Massachusetts, and Rev. Verdieu Laroche and his wife, Marie, of Boston, both formerly of Haiti, founded North Haiti Mission.  When our first building was completed on land about twenty miles from Cap Haitien in northern Haiti and lighting had been installed by Ken Johansson, now Administrator of Coastal Haiti Mission (the first time electric lights went on in that area), we held a service of thanksgiving attended by many of the village residents.  We marched, danced, sang, and laughed together as we directed our praise to our mutual Heavenly Father.  It was a taste of Heaven, and, surely,  we were the Church that night.

And there are more things to recall.

Being stopped by Haitian soldiers or police at night in the city of Cap Haitien and ordered out of our vehicles as they collected our passports, purses and wallets (we got them all back!). Thousands of folks hanging out on the streets. Small “camp fires”here and there.

The hustle and bustle in the large cities.  The numerous sound of horns as large and small vehicles navigate their way along roads lined with people.

 The movement and sound of the animals – goats, donkeys, cows, and oxen roaming freely in both towns and rural areas.  Lots of small dogs hoping for a handout.   And the chickens!  Up in the trees at night for safety, and the roosters crowing, one after another, sometimes at night, each one sounding farther away than the one before it, as if sending urgent messages on an undetectable network.

Trips to the Marche de Fer (Iron Market in English), a definite architectural landmark in Port-au-Prince.   A huge market offering all kinds of foods, crafts, etc. from acres of individual stalls.

And then there are the small interesting and colorful vendor shops lined up side by side featuring the art and crafts of a Haitian man or women trying their best to put food on the table for one more day.  Wonderful paintings by local artists featuring everyday life in Haiti, exquisitely-crocheted tablecloths, woodcarvings, etc. (Since the cruise ships stopped coming to Port-au-Prince, the number of customers has dropped off significantly.)

The sound of the beautiful harmony of the Haitian people singing in church on Sunday Morning – rich and full.  The loveliness of the Haitian women as they do a modest sidestep to the beat of the robust singing.

The wonderful hospitality and care received from Rev. and Mrs. Maurice Leguerre when they hosted our North Haiti Mission team one year at their home in Cap Haitien.  Sitting beneath God’s star-filled sky on their flat roof at night gave us a limited view over the city due to the absence of municipal lighting.

The sight of a blind man with his hand upon the head of a small boy who is leading him to where he needs to go. 

Hanging out at the mission in the evening, moved by the gentle and winsome voice of a young man singing softly to the accompaniment of an older man playing a  guitar.

The singing of the children – enthusiastic!

The jump-roping talent of the young girls – incredible! 

A small hand reaching up for mine as we walk together along a village path.

 The comradery of the mission team and the fine people we came to serve.

All in all, going to Haiti was an adventure – an education.  In another time, I would want to get up a team and go there tomorrow.  And I would encourage you to come with us!

But this would not be a good time to go.  Things have changed in Haiti.  Brutish gangs seem to be taking over the country, looting, killing, and kidnapping.  Once again the precious Haitian people are made to suffer.  For many, food is hard to come by, and safety is a thing of the past.

And now, a word about Coastal Haiti Mission, founded by my husband, Clint Goddard, Ken Johansson, and myself in 2009.  My heart overflows with thankfulness to our God, and to you who support this mission.  You have made it possible for us to continue to help provide some degree of comfort and relief for at least some of the Haitian people during this time of calamity for so many.

We continue our School Lunch Program, our Food For Those In Need Program, maintenance of our Clean Water Program, our Lighting Haitian Homes Project, and, now, a new Gardening Project.

We are thankful for our Rev. Coty Joseph, our man on the ground, as he continues to watch over and direct the work of CHM, under our direction, in the village of Cahess, located in northern  Haiti.  We are thankful for his lovely wife, Nana, as she continues to teach the little ones in her Saturday Sunday School.  Please pray for their safety.

And we ask for your prayers for the Island Nation of Haiti, once called the Pearle of the Antilles, and for the City of Cap Haitien, once a thriving city dressed in French architecture.

And, finally, we ask for prayers for the village of Cahess and for all of Haiti’s people.


Walking this Way with you,



A new Venture in Cahess

One of the goals of CHM is to help the people in the Village of Cahess to become more self-sustaining. We have considered many possibilities, but there has always been something that rendered each possibility, unworkable.

Many of the families in Cahess have been growing small gardens at their homes for many years. Very often these gardens have dried up and failed due to the frequent droughts that occur in this region.

One of our CHM family is experienced and successful in growing Drought Resistant Gardens, and also has a burden to help the Haitian People.

Kathy Kangas, also known as Daisee, is undertaking the major task of teaching the People of Cahess, how to grow this type of garden. The following is an introduction of Daisee Kangas and the agricultural program that she envisions.


Community Gardening Program

Let me take just a moment to introduce myself.  My name is Kathy Kangas, but my friends call me Daisee.  I will be heading up the Community Gardening program.

Just seven years ago, I was working in the town of Cahess, Haiti teaching drought resistant gardening.  The people were extremely motivated and I only wished I could have stayed to watch the process to fruition. For several years I have been studying many different agriculturally related ideas to assist those living in third and fourth world countries to develop skills for self-sufficiency. One of these is drought resistant gardening which I have practiced for many years in my own garden.  This is along with some other gardening techniques I hope to bring to Cahess.

The plan is to have a central Community Garden at the school.  We will use this garden to demonstrate “how to” gardening, to teach new ideas, and to experiment with new ideas.  I don’t want to just add new ideas but want to test them against what would normally be done.  Our gardeners will meet together in the village, once a month.

The second part of this plan involves assisting each family in building their own garden at their home. 

I will be working with two trained agronomists, Jeff and Yamouch. I know Jeff from my previous efforts in Cahess and look forward to working with them both.

I will keep you informed as we develop these gardens.



Pastor Coty Writes Introducing Our Agronomists:

 Our two agronomists, Yamouch and Jeff took a big step to start the new garden project.  After talking to people individually, they had the opportunity also to share this vision with the church congregation and many seemed to be interested. We are looking forward to the next step in the project.

Our Agronomists Yamouch Bazile (at the microphone) and Jeff Toussaint describing the gardening program in church.

Yamouch and Jeff near near new well.

The location of the Drought Resistant Demonstration Garden


The School Lunch Program

Pastor Coty Writes:

The day has come and we start again. September the 11th was the day designated by the government for schools to reopen, but we decided to open our school on the 12th. We can see and say, that the children missed the school very much. We praise God that even during the first day we were able to feed them, as many of them were motivated by the food lunch program.

 Lunch, the most desirable time of the school day.


Life in the Village

Pastor Coty writes

The bible says that those who believe shall be baptized. We praise God that 6 new members entered into the waters of baptism this month.

Usually, we go to the river in our village, but this time, we had to go to the nearest city, where there is access to the ocean. The reason for this is that all the rivers are completely dry. But this service, is worthy of the extra effort to find a location, where this service can take place. 


In the above 2 photos, Francita Paul, who is Nana’s helper in the Saturday Sunday School is baptized. We are happy that she received the ordinance of water baptism this month. She was part of the children, and now she is a teacher. This is an excellent example for the other children to follow.


Progress in the Village  

Pastor Coty Writes:

12 years ago, we started a little school in our village. Our goal was to go all the way to the 6th grade and stop there. But after the first group got to the 6th grade and then went to another school, the government decided that all schools should get at least to the 9th grade. Then the students will need to pass a government test to continue into high school.

We made another big effort to get to the 9th grade. Our first promotion to the 9th grade had 8 students. Everyone was waiting to see how many of them would pass the test, because in most of the schools, they never have all students pass the test. But for our school, we made the maximum result because all 8 passed. We had a big celebration.

Last July, we sent 16 students to take that test. We had the same anxiety, but by the grace of God, again all 16 passed the government test.

It was a big celebration for the people in the village to know that their children had passed the test. 

Brother Carl, one of the CHM board members, even sent $200 dollars for them to celebrate. I was able to take them to a nice restaurant in the nearest city and see them having pizza for the first time. 

I just want to say to all the CHM supporters, that your efforts and sacrifice  are bearing great results.


Pastor Coty

  On the way to take the test

Celebrating by eating Pizza for the first time.


The Home Lighting Program

Pastor Coty Writes:

The light project is designated for the people who cannot afford the electrical company that provides electrical service here. However, now everyone wants to have one of our lights, because they are so efficient.

Also, the electric company now has a problem getting fuel, so their service is really bad.

Our Cyclops light, when used in one room, even when mounted all the way to the ceiling, lights the room perfectly. That is how efficient it is.  

The Cyclops light illuminating a room in a home in Cahess


Proverbs 19:17 ESV
Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will repay him for his deed.


A blessing for you from the scripture:

    Numbers 6: 24 to 26
‘May the Lord bless you
       and protect you.
 May the Lord smile on you
     and be gracious to you.
 May the Lord show you His favor
          and give you peace.’


Thank you, Family and Friends of Coastal Haiti Mission, for all that you do to help the people in Cahess, Haiti. You are making a huge difference for these people.

Please remember, that CHM must continue to send our monthly commitment of $1100 to carry on the ongoing CHM ministry in Cahess. This is in addition to the cost of the School Lunch Program.

If you desire to help, please send your tax-deductible check to our address and tell us how you want us to use your donation:

Coastal Haiti Mission

C/O Constance Goddard

3048 Spring Fancy Lane

Indian Trail, NC 28079

Or For tax deductible “online donations”, please use our PayPal service. Also please designate how you want us to use your donation.

May the Lord our God, who knows your heart and sees your actions, grant you great joy as you serve Him.  Connie, Esther, Pastor Coty, Carl, Dan, and Ken are very grateful for your sacrifice. Ken Johansson CHM Newsletter Editor

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