Coastal Haiti Mission

March 2023




For years the prophets had spoken of Him without really knowing Who it was they were prophesying about. Striving under the Law of Moses, they must have yearned to know more.  More about their destiny.  More about their God, and more about the mysterious personage Who sometimes showed up in their prophecies.

Isaiah prophesied that He would be a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. He would be despised and rejected by men, and not much to look at.  He would be considered stricken, smitten, and afflicted by God.  And, yet, He would carry away our weaknesses and infirmities and bear away our diseases. He would be wounded for our transgressions and bruised for our iniquities.  And with the stripes that wounded Him, we would be healed and made whole. (Isaiah 53rd Cptr.)

David spoke and sang about Him, but even he knew not His identity nor His mission.  The One he spoke of would be surrounded by a company of evil doers. They would pierce His hands and His feet.  He would be laughed at and mocked. He would be poured out like water, and all His bones would be forced out of joint.  They would part His clothing among themselves and cast lots for His tunic. (Ps. 22nd Cptr.)  Not one of His bones would be broken (Ps. 34:2)

It was also prophesied that He would be born in a place called Bethlehem Ephratah, a town little to be among the clans of Judah.

Although there would be a crowd gathered around Him when He passed away, He would die alone.  Utterly and totally—alone.

Finally, with the passing of years, and at the appointed time, the One Who for so long was prophesied about, entered our world one holy night when a virgin gave birth to a baby boy in the atmosphere and quietness of a lowly stable in Bethlehem.  His parents called Him Jesus.  Israel’s long-awaited Messiah was here at last.

The child grew up in Nazareth where He became “strong in spirit, filled with wisdom, and the grace (favor and spiritual blessing) of God was upon Him” (Luke 2:40).

At Age 30 He began His ministry.  He chose 12 Jewish men to be at His side as He walked among the people, loving, delivering, healing, and teaching about the Kingdom of God.  Our wonderful Savior Who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

The Apostle John said: “…We [actually] saw His love – His honor, His majesty; such glory as an only begotten son receives from his father full of grace (favor, loving kindness) and truth” (John 1:14b TAB).

And then came the day He told His disciples He was going to die. They were eating together that evening when their hearts were broken.  He had changed their lives completely.  For three years they had invested all their time and interest in Him.  They felt safe in His presence.  Alive in His love, secure in the new meaning He had injected into their lives.  And now He was going away. They had thought He would deliver all Israel from its Roman oppressors.

Peter, James, and John probably remembered a special time they’d had with the Master.  One day He had invited them to accompany Him on a trip to a mountain to pray.  As Jesus prayed, He suddenly began to “change.”  His countenance was altered and His clothing became “dazzling white – flashing with the brilliance of lightning “(Luke 9:29 TAB).  Upon awakening (the disciples had fallen asleep) they saw Jesus’ glory (splendor and majesty and brightness).  But not only that! Moses and Elijah were standing and talking with Jesus!  They were in a protracted conversation.  Did you ever wonder what they were talking about?  Jesus’ exit from this planet!  I like to think they came to encourage and strengthen Him for His coming ordeal.

At the age of thirty-three Jesus was betrayed by one of His disciples (Judas). Jesus and His disciples were in the Kidron Valley just east of Jerusalem. They were gathered together in a garden located in a place called the Ravine of the Cedars, a place they’d often retired to in the past.  Suddenly they were aware of visitors approaching them in the garden.  Jesus – He alone knew what was coming down – went to meet the lantern- and weapon-carrying party of soldiers, guards, and high priests.

“Whom do you seek?” He inquired of them.

“Jesus of Nazareth,” they answered.

“I am he.” Jesus replied. (John 18:4-6 ESV

And the strangest thing happened.  The crowd immediately stepped backwards And fell to the ground.  (They didn’t know Who they were dealing with!)

Jesus was seized and led away to be questioned, whipped, and crucified.  The Father’s plan was right on target.  Jesus would shed His precious blood to pay for the sins of mankind opening the way for sinful man to be reconciled to their Holy God.  His captors had NO actual power over Him.  He allowed them to take Him over the anguished cries of His disciples.  He told them to put away their swords.  If He wanted, he could call for twelve legions of angels (that’s More then 80,000 of them) who would come to the immediate rescue of the Father’s Son (Mat. 26:53 TAB).

But He knew what He wanted to do.  Surrounded by evil doers he hung on a cross while they laughed at and mocked Him.  They’d pierced his hands and His feet.  He was poured out like water, and all His bones were forced out of Joint, although not one of His bones was broken.  All happened as was prophesied, along with much more.

“Father, forgive them,” “He said, “They know not what they do”  He committed His spirit to His Father in heaven, and then He was gone.  The sky was darkened. The earth quaked. The rocks split, and the veil in the temple was torn in two. Above his head the sign read “THIS IS JESUS THE KING OF THE JEWS” (Mat. 27:37). Below Him they divided and cast lots for his clothes.

He was buried in a borrowed tomb, and three days later He rose from the dead! Alive for evermore!  Hallelujah!


Walking this way with you,



Food for the Needy Program

Pastor Coty Writes

Mrs. Azemar is the oldest lady in the Food for the Needy Program, and this program is her only source of food.

She is so old now, that we cannot expect her to come and get the food. Instead, my friend Mackendy and I took the food to her.

I used to send it to her, but this time we delivered it.

Usually, we give just rice to most people, but to her and some others, we give more than just rice. We also gave her some beans, oil, sardines, and some money.

When we got to her this morning, she told me that she was praying, asking God to send an Angel to her. We got there on time. 

Mrs. Azemar

In church, it was a remarkable moment to see Mrs Azemar giving an offering. We all know that she is a widow and can’t do much, but she did what she could do, anyway.

This morning when I went to see her. She was sitting beside the road and was amazed to see me coming with the boy ( Mackendy) that carried the food to her.

Glory to God and thank you all for your generous donations to bless our people.

Pastor Coty Joseph


School Lunch Program

Pastor Coty Writes
If the school lunch was a test, everyone would pass it.

It appears more important to the kids than the other subjects they are studying in class.

I don’t have greater joy, than to see these children have something to eat, because I live around them, and I know the reality that their parents are facing, just to give them one meal a day.

This past Monday, at 8: 30 in the morning I had to take one of our students to the hospital because she was so weak, and she felt sickness throughout her body.

The conclusion was that she didn’t eat anything before coming to school. Also, she did not eat the day before, which was a Sunday. So, on Monday, her body could not wait for 10.00 A.M, to eat the school meal. 

It’s day after day that the parents along with the school children are understanding more and more, the importance of the school lunch program.

I use my voice to thank God for this program.

Pastor Coty Joseph

Waiting with anticipation to eat.

Thank you for cooking all that rice.

With all eyes pointing to the food, spoon in the month and hands ready to receive. It’s a sign that they cannot wait. Praise God that we were able to give them the food, and now they can play after eating lunch.



The Home Lighting Program

Pastor Coty notified me that he has received the shipment of lighting equipment consisting of 75 Cyclops Lights and 50 Solar Power Banks.

Now Pastor Coty begins the process of interviewing on a family by family basis, each family that is requesting a light for their home. Pastor Coty uses a set of guidelines that were developed to make sure that the recipients understand and agree to the requirements of the program.
One of the requirements is that the recipient family does not sell this lighting equipment.

We will report as the lights are installed and begin changing how the recipients live at night.

We are indeed grateful to all of you for providing the funds to drive this project forward.

Ken Johansson, project leader

We are blessed to have those boxes of lights and power banks. I know how the people will be happy to receive this news.
Pastor Coty Joseph


Life in the Village

Pastor Coty Writes

Still has been no rain in Cahess for 5 months now. The gardens have completely disappeared, and more than half of the total animals around the village have already died.

Will the people die also? We pray not.

The hope of all the village people is on the coming crop of mangos. In one more month we will have mangos in the village and the people cannot wait for that moment.

Thank God for the mangos that are coming, because there are no more food options open to us.

Mangos, food for hungry villagers.


Saturday Sunday School

Pastor Coty Writes
This Saturday class is successfully drawing many kids of the village where they are being taught the bible. They know more of the bible than anyone would think. It is a very good and fruitful ministry in the village. 

With just a candy or lollypop to encourage them, none of the kids would miss coming to this class on Saturday.

We always thank God for his goodness to us in Cahess, as he uses his people in growing his kingdom, in the Village of Cahess.

Thy Word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against Thee. Psalm 119: 11


Proverbs 14: 31
Whoever oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker, but whoever is kind to the needy honors God.

 A prayer for you from the scripture:

Psalms 67: 1
May God be gracious to you and bless you
and make His face to shine upon you.


Thank you, Family and Friends of Coastal Haiti Mission, for all that you do to help the people in Cahess, Haiti. You are making a huge difference for these people.

Please remember, that CHM must continue to send our monthly commitment of $1100 to carry on the ongoing CHM ministry in Cahess. This is in addition to the cost of the School Lunch Program.

If you desire to help, please send your tax-deductible check to our address and tell us how you want us to use your donation:

Coastal Haiti Mission

C/O Constance Goddard

3048 Spring Fancy Lane

Indian Trail, NC 28079

Or For tax deductible “online donations”, please use our PayPal service. Also please designate how you want us to use your donation.


May the Lord our God, who knows your heart and sees your actions, grant you great joy as you serve Him.  Connie, Esther, Pastor Coty, Carl, Dan, and Ken are very grateful for your sacrifice. Ken Johansson CHM Newsletter Editor

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