Coastal Haiti Mission Newsletter


February 2022



Board Member Appointment

The Board of Coastal Haiti Mission has voted to invite Daniel P. Johansson to join this board.

It is my joy to announce that Daniel, my son, has accepted the invitation to serve the Haitian People, as a member of the Board of Coastal Haiti Mission.

Kenneth Johansson
Coastal Haiti Mission Administrator












Dan was introduced to the Haitian people when he joined his father on mission trips to Cahess in 1999 and 2000.   Although Dan was somewhat older, it was during these mission trips that he got to know Pastor Coty and Dr Ali, who were youths at the time.   Since those first mission trips, Dan has retained his desire to bless the Haitian people.  

After graduating from high school, Dan furthered his education by attending the University of Massachusetts at Lowell, graduating with a BA degree in Finance.  Dan works as a market risk analyst for a mutual fund company in Boston.  He is married to Jennifer, and they have 7 children and 3 grandchildren.  He and his family are members of East Coast International Church in Lynn, Massachusetts. 


                                                     THE HEALER


The woman was drowning in hopelessness.  Nothing seemed to work for her. She’d spent all the money she had on the many physicians she’d seen, but not one of them could cure her of the bleeding issue that had plagued her for the past twelve years.

She’d most likely missed many important family and other social events because of her disease.  Had probably cried herself to sleep more than a few times.  Must have felt betrayed by her own body.  Her condition was painful and embarrassing, and now her hemorrhaging was getting worse.  What would become of her?  Would she die in a pool of her own blood?  Was there a god in heaven?

She had heard rumors recently about a dark-haired, Middle-Eastern man they called “Jesus,” who was going about performing miracles.  But hadn’t she always heard of nonsensical scuttlebutt extolling great things to come that never came?  Clouds without water.  But, if the truth were known, deep in her heart she desperately wanted this rumor to be true.

The latest report she’d heard was about a wild man who lived among the tombs in the region of the Gerasenes.  To say the man was “unhinged” would be a compliment.  There wasn’t a shackle or handcuff they bound him with that he couldn’t break loose from.  He spent his time among the tombs and mountains in the area shrieking, cutting himself with stones and beating himself up (Mark 5:5 TAB).

When he saw the man, Jesus, he hit the ground.  (He knew who he was!) “What have you to do with me, Jesus,” he shouted, “Son of the Most High God? What is there in common between us? (Mark 5:7 TAB). And then, as the story goes, Jesus cast a legion of demons out of the tormented man.  Receiving permission to enter into the nearby herd of pigs, the demons did just that!  The poor creatures panicked and stampeded strait down a hill into the water and drowned.    Must have scared the living daylights out of the onlookers!

The crazed man was thoroughly traumatized to find himself in his right mind. Jesus sent him home to his family and friends to live again…to love again… to dream again!  “…Tell them how much the Lord has done for you!…” Jesus instructed him (Mark 5:19b TAB).

Now, back to the woman with the “issue of blood.”  She was moved by what she’d heard about this man they called “Jesus.” She would definitely seek him out and see what he would do for her.  Not an easy task.  Wherever the man went he was encompassed about by throngs of folks pressing in against him on all sides.  But she had faith – the kind that is “…the substance of things hoped  for, the evidence of things not seen” (Heb.11:1 KJV).  She knew if she could touch the tassel on the corner of the edge of the hem of his garment she would be healed.  Yes, she just knew it!

She was intimidated when she finally found him. I imagine as she made her way through the crowd toward the man from Nazareth she was assailed by a multitude of doubts threatening to disable her faith.  Why should he pay attention to her? Who did she think she was!  He didn’t know her – she was a “nobody.” Maybe she should come up behind him so he didn’t even see her!

Well, she did just that.  Crawled right up behind him in broad daylight and reached out and touched the tassel.  Something “shifted” in her body.  She was instantly and thoroughly healed!


“ And immediately her (flow of) blood was dried up at the

               source, and (suddenly) she felt in her body that she was healed

               of her (distressing) ailment (Mark 5:29 TAB).


Something shifted in Jesus’ body, also.  He felt power go out from him.  “Who touched my clothes?” he asked as he turned around searching the crowd (Mark 5:30 TAB).  His disciples were taken aback.  A great number of people could have touched him in that moment.

Trembling, the woman (no longer with an issue of blood) knelt down before him, identifying herself as the one who was healed.  And Jesus saw her.  I mean he really saw her!  He commended her for her confidence and trust in him, and he blessed her.  And if all that wasn’t enough? Healing? Blessing?

He’d called her…Daughter! (Mark 5:34 TAB)  Yes, dear one, there is a God in heaven!


Walking this Way with you,



Life after the Flood

Pastor Coty Writes:

I remember sending a SOS for the Village of Cahess, after the devastating  rain that fell last January 31st, which caused major flooding. This flood washed away all the gardens in our village, and killed many animals.  It was a huge loss for the people, because their lives depend on agriculture.

Now, one month after the flood, life is really hard for them. They are poor people, who were already on their knees economically. If the flood hadn’t come, last week would have been harvest time for many of their crops.

Now, you can read the desolation on their faces, due to the loss of their gardens and their animals.

Fortunately, we were able to share rice (the Haitian’s most favorite food) to many of them. This rice was supplied by the Family and Friends of CHM.  This was more than a solution for hungry stomachs. The bags of rice put a joy on their faces, even before they put the food in their stomachs.

We know the food won’t last long, but it was a very big help.

I pray that we can continue to provide food support for them for the next 2 or 3 months, to give them time to recover from the loss of their gardens.

Thanks to you, the supporters of Coastal Haiti Mission.

Pastor Coty, in the Village of Cahess, Haiti

Flood Relief—Food Distribution in Cahess 

A Message of Appreciation

Dear Family and friends of Coastal Haiti Mission,

We want to thank you for your wonderful response to the flooding emergency that the people in the Village of Cahess, endured.

Because of your generosity, CHM has been able to provide food assistance for 2 months, and will be able to provide food assistance for 2 additional months.

We thank you for your financial expression of love to the people of the Village of Cahess.

Ken Johansson, for the Board of Coastal Haiti Mission


The School Lunch Program

Pastor Coty Writes:

The ministry of Coastal Haiti Mission in the Village of Cahess is like providing a combo at a restaurant. You help us give a complete plate. Good education plus good food.

The school helps to keep the village alive, because the children get fed there.

Thank you Lord, for using your good people to support our  school.

Pastor Coty Joseph

Thank you for our good lunch!!


School for the Adults and Youth

From Pastor Coty and Translated by Carl Lamour

The Professional school was a vision that Pastor Coty had that has finally come to pass.

There is an Industrial Park in an adjacent town where unskilled workers can earn a living. He realized that anyone who works in this park, will develop some chronic disease after working there for 5 or 6 years, thus preventing them from staying in the workforce.

There are many Haitian people that are fleeing the country, to settle in other countries, such as Chile, Brazil and the other Caribbean Islands.

These people are very often mistreated and most of them do not have any professional or tradesman skills. We are trying to help them with some basic training, so that if they choose to go elsewhere, they will be able to get a more suitable job.

After the construction of the new school building, we asked the young people if they would be interested in a Professional Trade School. They answered overwhelmingly yes, and so, this school was born. It has been over 2 years since we began this school, and we are still striving to teach our people. 

From the beginning we offered the following trades: Plumbing, Electrical, English and Basic computing.

The Electrical course is not a course where the students learn the whole trade, but it is an introduction to basic electrical concepts ie circuitry, wiring, switches etc…

It was a 9 month long training where the students could determine their aptitude, interest and then decide if they should pursue additional training.

When the first class graduated, there were more people interested in attending training in other subjects, so the class is continuing to meet.

 During the second year, we offered many other trades: Culinary school including baking, Beautician/cosmetology, Music/instruments. We did not offer English, Plumbing and Electrical for the second year.

We have started again with Computer class, Basic flooring/Ceramic tile installation, Graphic design (for T-shirts). Additionally, we have begun a driving school where there have been a large number of graduates.

They have learned a lot of very useful information and skills because of the detailed approach to our teaching. 

Let me elaborate on computing class since it is familiar to our audience in the United States.

The main focus of the computer class is Microsoft Word and Excel. We basically show them what a personal computer (PC) is and what they can do with it.

A PC is still a mystery for many people in Haiti. Many people when they have a letter to send, they will do a handwritten draft, and bring it to a “Cyber Café” to type and print the document.

This class teaches the students basic computing skills. They learn to type and save their documents, and if need be they can put their documents in a Flash Drive, for more portability to print them elsewhere.

Not only are they able to print their documents, they also learn to make invitation cards for many occasions.

We teach them what the computer can be used for and show them how to turn it on and off etc…

Also, we show them how to do research “online”, and to send email, and how to set up an email account. We also show them how to access the Internet via their phone or a modem, and how to purchase a modem from the phone company. 



The Home Lighting Project

The lighting equipment that was shown in the November/December 2021 CHM Newsletter is still on its way to Cahess Haiti.

The shipping company has notified me that there was a delay in shipping our equipment, because the ship they use to bring the containers to Haiti, was out of service for 3 weeks.

They have assured me that the equipment will arrive in Cap Haitien the week of March 21, 2022, and should be out of Haitian Customs by April 15.

We will update you on this project when the equipment arrives in Cahess.

We are on a roll. We together, are making a major difference at night for the families in the Village of Cahess Haiti. There is still more to do!!!!

Ken Johansson, Project leader


 Micah 6: 8
He has chosen you, O mortal, what is good.
And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and love mercy
and to walk humbly with thy God.


 A promise to you from the scripture

Numbers 6: 24 to 26
The Lord bless you and keep you;
The Lord make his face to shine upon you;
the Lord lift up his countenance upon you
and give you peace.


 Thank you Family and Friends of Coastal Haiti Mission, for all that you do to help the people in Cahess, Haiti. You are making a huge difference for these people.

Please remember, that CHM must continue to send our monthly commitment of $800 to carry on the ongoing CHM ministry in Cahess.

If you desire to help, please send your tax deductible check to our address and tell us how you want us to use your donation:

Coastal Haiti Mission

C/O Constance Goddard

3048 Spring Fancy Lane

Indian Trail, NC 28079

Or For tax deductible “online donations”, please use our PayPal service. Also please designate how you want us to use your donation.


May the Lord our God, who knows your heart and sees your actions, grant you great joy as you serve Him.  Connie, Esther, Pastor Coty, Carl, Dan, and Ken are very grateful for your sacrifice. Ken Johansson CHM Newsletter Editor

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